Sabi Sabi Game Reserve South Africa


Did you wonder what other areas of the world are doing during the unprecedented “stay at home” order throughout the world? Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, measures have been taken to safeguard people as well as the beloved animals such as the inhabitants of Sabi Sabi Game Reserve in South Africa.

South Africa is in the fourth week of a nationwide lockdown, in an attempt to flatten the coronavirus curve, a very important handful of South Africans are lucky enough to be locked down in the bush, and and they found it difficult to imagine a better place to rather be.

The entire reserve is under lockdown and off-limits to the outside world. A few of their key team members continue their daily routines of maintenance, administration and ensuring the four five-star lodges are kept in pristine condition, while practicing social distancing and adhering to hygienic protocol.  For the most part each of the Sabi Sabi team on the reserve are performing multiple duties to ensure the conservation status quo of this vital environment.

The limited safari team head out on their normal safaris every morning and late afternoon, while keeping close contact with each other via radio communication, to capture sightings and bring the bush to life on the social media platforms. The social media followers can do with a daily “escape” to the bush, and our team members brilliantly record how life in the bush is continuing, regardless of what the news headlines have to say.

There is certainly a different energy on these types of safaris. The rangers are unable to share and express their knowledge and interpretations with guests and are learning to adapt without their trusted teammates – the trackers at the front-line spotting tracks and animals. Nevertheless, the teams have adapted to the new conditions and now have more time studying all our fascinating inhabitants and upskilling their knowledge on the bush and photography expertise.

To some of the staff members, Sabi Sabi is a permanent home and a place to raise their children. The EleFun Children’s Centre at Bush Lodge remains open during lockdown and our lodge-based children use the facility as their home-schooling classroom. Imagine that! Homeschooling in the middle of the South African game reserve!

Family Beautiful had the opportunity to visit this amazing area several years ago and witness first hand what this area has to offer. It was truly a spectacular trip. We hope to someday visit again, when the pandemic has been eradicated. We wish all of our friends around the world to be safe and well. We honor those who are care taking these beautiful places.