Bio- Architecture in Italy with Edoardo Venturini


Edoardo Venturini

Recent Projects by Edoardo Venturini

Villa Sandi

Villa Sandi

Symposium by Edoardo Venturini


What is Ecological Architecture? We recently had the special pleasure of interviewing the renowned Bio- Architect, Edoardo Venturini of Architettura del Benessere in Italy. Not only is he at the top of his profession, he is forging the way for living the healthiest life with the design of green buildings and wine cellars in the region of Italy near Venice.


Usually I introduce myself with this sentence to my clients:

Bio-architecture is a medical prevention and an indispensable tool to have a healthy home, avoiding disorders and diseases that derive from incorrect habits and poor quality materials. Remember “from a sick environment will hardly be born healthy men; take care of yourself, your health, your well-being at 360 degrees .. (.) .. because you are your first home” , it’s a quote from the architect Siegfried Camana.

So, after working as a technical manager of the road company that created road surfaces in asphalt, I decided to sell the company and start doing what I liked. And that is to design for people and to design in a healthy and healthy way. Since 2007, when I opened my design office, I started to work on the design of buildings and cellars in green building.


The idea of ​​exposing bioarchitecture projects stems from my desire to bring together all the architects of the Veneto Region, North-East of Italy, who plan with the principles of bio-architecture and through ecological, natural and not polluting products.

I was a member, and was enrolled, in the largest and most historic Association that deals with ecological construction in Italy, called the National Association of Bio-ecological Architecture, founded in 1989.

I had the idea, a little crazy in retrospect for the enormous effort I had, to organize this exhibition first in the spa town of Montegrotto Terme, near Padua, where my architecture studio has been based since 2007.

The exhibition of ecological architecture was set up at the Sala Palaturismo of the Congress Center of Terme Montegrotto Terme (PD), from February 26 to March 13, 2011. The exhibition was conceived as a traveling event, that is to accompany in other cities of the Region who wanted to welcome her. And so it happened, because we organized 6 editions, 3 of which I was the General Coordinator.

The exhibition gathered a large number of professional designers (architects, engineers and surveyors), about 40 technicians in the sector, who designed and built buildings in green building, with about 80 high quality architectural projects disseminated in the geographical area of ​​the Veneto region .

Then, the event was also enriched by the interventions of professionals with recognized expertise in the field of green building, healthy and ecological living who told of their experience and gave lessons on some topics of ecological architecture.

In addition, the event could be carried out thanks to the contribution and interventions of the companies in the sector that sponsored the event and presented their innovative products and ecological.

This first stop in Montegrotto Terme has given the other 5 editions, of which I coordinated the organizational structure and set-up in the third (the most beautiful) and the sixth. Below are photos of all six editions:

1 Exhibition: Montegrotto Terme (Padova):

2 Exhibition: Verona (Verona):

3 Shows: Rovigo (Rovigo):

4 Shows: Longarone (Treviso):

5 Shows: San Zenone degli Ezzelini (Treviso):

6 Exhibition: Silea (Treviso):


As far as the tour of the cellars are concerned, everything is born following the drafting of my degree thesis dedicated to the wine cellars of the Veneto Region.

Passionate about the good wine and the culture that expresses this sector and the constructions of the cellars, I wanted to collect 15 ancient cellars of the territory of Treviso, to study them from a historical, technological, architectural, landscape, urban and wine tourism point of view.

I detected and represented the buildings of the cellars with the technique of ink and pencil as if they were ancient maps, also drawing the wooden barrels and vats still present and operating in the company: see drawings:



Here, during the historical, technological, architectural and landscape study of the ancient cellars, I was able to get to know the owners of the viticultural holdings and the cellars, interviewing them and retrieving old historical documents that allowed me to tell the stories of the cellars and the ancient vicissitudes.

They are almost all of noble origin: barons, accounts and princes.

With the passage of time, with some owners of the cellars have also created some nice friendships and collaborations together, which here list:

– Azienda Agricola Cantina Abbazia di Vidor (Treviso), of Count Alberto Da Sacco, 12th century AD

– Azienda Agricola Castello Di Roncade, Roncade (Treviso), Baron Vincenzo Ciani Bassetti, 16th century (==>

– Estate by Bonotto Delle Tezze, Tezze di Piave (Vazzola, Treviso), by Dr. Antonio Bonotto, 19th century (==>

– Cantine Giol, San Polo di Piave (Treviso), by Dr. Vittorio Carraro, 19th century;



– Antiche Cantine Amistani di Guarda, Pederiva di Biadene, Montebelluna (Treviso), dr. Alvise Amistani di Guarda, 16th century


– Cellars Villa Sandi, Crocetta del Montello (Treviso), dr. Giancarlo Moretti Polegato, 17th century.


– Cantina Adamo Canel, Col San Martino, Farra di Soligo (Treviso), dr. Adamo Canel, 19th century


– Villa Maser Winery (or Villa Barbaro, designed by Andrea Palladio) of the Conti Luling Buschetti

– Azienda Agricola Cantine Giol and Castle of Papadopoli of San Polo di Piave (Treviso)
– Conte Loredan Gasparini Winery, Venegazzù, Volpago del Montello (Treviso)

Villa Maser
Agricola Conti Lorden Gasparini

This premise has allowed me to organize visits to the architecture of wine and combine good wine, cultural events and accompany journalists and sommelier eager to know such beauties.

In addition, attending the cellars gives me the opportunity to keep up with new ideas for designing wine design, wine labels and objects dedicated to the wine design industry, as I am a Wine Designer graduate.


I am working towards a new concept of the cellars of the future, which must:

– the casing of the cellar must reappropriate the ancient functions;

– sustainable, ecological and with local materials;

– integrating with new needs, new technologies and services.


There are three types of people that I accompany to visit the cellars:

– People interested in realizing their own winery or private bottling, and then I design the winery for them in Italian style, in Palladian style, or according to other architectural tastes and designs, etc.

– Journalists who are interested in learning how to build a wine-making construction and who need an architect who explains the construction and design techniques;

– Sommeliers who want to know new wines and want to know new wineries.

If there are people interested, who want to create cellars / bottiglierie in Italian style or modern / contemporary architecture, they can contact me and report their interest through my email [email protected], and I accompany them directly to visit the winery.

The future is bright for Edoardo Venturini, his passion for bio architecture is sure to inspire many to incorporate these building techniques for their living and working spaces. The idea of buildings reflecting nature is quintessentially the key to a better life. Truly La Dolce Vita.