Scholastic Offering Free Online Classes for Kids

Cute friends sitting on the floor of classroom and doing schoolwork

The educational company has launched a “Learn at Home” website that has daily courses for students from Pre-kindergarten to grades 6 and higher.

From learning about why zebras have stripes to math lessons based on K-Pop stars, Scholastic’s learning plans cover all the subjects your student would be taking at school.

“As more and more teachers, students, and families around the world are affected by the coronavirus, our priority is to support them in the best way we know how — by providing them with rich stories and meaningful projects that will keep kids academically active,” Lauren Tarshis, senior vice president and editor-in-chief of Scholastic Classroom Magazines said.

The website, which is divided into four sections based on grade level, currently has five days’ worth of content. An additional 15 days of content is on the way, Scholastic said in a news release.The courses provide approximately three hours of learning per day, including writing and research projects, virtual field trips, and geography challenges.

The website is accessible on any device that has internet and no sign up is required. It will remain free and open indefinitely, Scholastic said.