Circus Arts Conservatory New Arena


The Sailor Circus “Celebrate 70” inaugural performances in the updated Arena are April 18 and 25, kicking off The Sailor Circus Academy’s 70th Anniversary year.

Circus Arts Conservatory (CAC) held a VIP Preview to recognize key campaign donors and to showcase the completion of its $4.5-million, year-long renovation of the historic Sailor Circus Arena, located at 2075 Bahia Vista St, Sarasota  – the first of the CAC’s visionary expansion plans.

According to CAC Founders CEO Pedro Reis and Vice President Dolly Jacobs-Reis,  the completion of the renovation project, which was overseen by Tandem Construction of Sarasota, “has transformed the 40-year-old facility into a 21st Century state-of-the-art student learning and performance center which engages youth to personally grow and excel in utilizing professional circus arts training,” they said in a statement.

“We see the Arena Grand Opening as the birth of an entirely new era for the circus arts overall and the start of another expansion of The Circus Arts Conservatory as an organization – both in continued facilities improvement and enhanced programming,” they continued. “When we founded Circus Sarasota in 1997, we had a shared vision: our dream was to use the circus arts – our great passion – to reach out to all facets of our community from youth to the elderly, and we have done that.

“We have three major areas of focus at The CAC: 1) the presentation of professional performance known as Circus Sarasota; 2) the youth training program Sailor Circus Academy and arts integrated educational programming to elementary and middle schoolers; 3) and a growing Humor Therapy program we provide to those in Florida’s care facilities – nursing homes, assisted living facilities and adult care centers. The new air-conditioned Arena will allow us to continue innovating these and other new programs in ways we would not have imagined just a few years ago.”

“As we embark on the 70th Anniversary year of the Sailor Circus Academy, we are so grateful to our donors, staff and volunteers, and the entire community who have been part of our success. We are proud to elevate circus artistry to new heights while preserving its integrity and history in both the local and worldwide arenas,” they said.

The historic day unfolded into a stunning gala performance in the evening featuring the world class student performers. Aerials, stunts, high wire acts and more thrilled the audience of supporters of the beloved icon of Sarasota culture.