Teeing Off This Summer


(above: Big Summer Golf cardholders, Marilyn Kline and Vicki Christian-Baggott, finish one of their weekly golf outings.)

Seasonal perks reap rewards for golfers with The Big Summer Golf Card®

Florida’s reputation as a golfer’s paradise has made our state a sought after destination, particularly in winter. But seasoned visitors and savvy locals know that Southwest Florida’s “off season” (aka summer) brings added benefits and rewards in the search for quality golf.

Whether you’re an avid player or fresh to the game most people agree golf is a passionate sport and once started there’s no stopping! One of golf’s biggest challenges is attracting new players to the game particularly if they do not come from a golfing family or upbringing.

This is where programs such as the Big Summer Golf Card really pay off. Offering great savings at most of the highly sought after and favored courses in the area, coupled with regular play dates at partner courses and several of the region’s private clubs, opens the door for a variety of golfing options. Moreover, the opportunity to play at more than 70 courses provides “try before you buy” options for players who may be looking to join a country club.

Two local golfers, Marilyn Kline and Vicki Christian-Baggott, are case-in-point examples about the numerous benefits of summer golf in Florida.

Marilyn, who has been golfing for more than 17 years, decided to purchase a Big Summer Golf Card in 2008 as an opportunity to play other courses. “I am not a member of a specific club nor do I feel like I need to join one with all the courses and play dates the Big Summer Golf card offers,” said Marilyn.

For Vicki, an early retirement move to Lakewood Ranch in 2011 with her husband prompted her to take up the sport. She met Marilyn and several golfing friends at a local golf league and when it folded, Marilyn suggested to Vicki she get a Big Summer Golf Card. The card’s benefits allowed them to maintain their play dates, participate in the card-sponsored Big Money TourSM offering cash and other prizes, and expand their social network. Vicki notes: “It was an added bonus that shortly after starting to participate in the Big Money TourSM, I won $500!”

Celebrating its 25th Anniversary, Big Summer Golf Card offers season-long savings throughout Southwest and Central Florida at some of the most favored courses in the region. Card members also have the opportunity to participate in The Big Money Tour in SW Florida held between May and October. Last year, more than 60 golfers received prizes, which included cash, rounds of golf and top of the line equipment totaling $30,000.

And this season, the savings and course selection are even better with the addition of more than 20 Central Florida courses – including three in Disney World and also Orange County National (with more joining the program daily) – to the outstanding mix of Southwest Florida member courses. For full details and a list of participating courses go to bigsummergolf.com. Play-date anyone?

At only $60 this is your passport to a great summer of golf – buy your Big Summer Golf Card today at bigsummergolf.com or call (941) 923-2232.

