Getting to Know Jay Riggs


FAMILY BEAUTIFUL How long have you been dealing with exotic cars? Why did you gravitate to exotic cars?


JAY RIGGS I have been dealing in the exotic car business for 17 years now. Ever since I was a kid, I had a love for Ferraris and other exotic cars. When I went to work for Buchanan Automotive Group and in charge of his auto group operations, we started dabbling in Ferraris. He allowed me to buy and sell them with the understanding that if no money was lost and success was continued, Mr. Buchanan would back me. To this day, I have never made a bad deal on a Ferrari.


FB What is your favorite car to drive?


JR This is a tough question, because I have many favorites. I love different makes and models. On the exotics side, the Ferrari 430 Spider–hands down! Driving an exotic daily, I’d choose the Tesla Model S performance. The Ford Taurus SHO is a great everyday car.


FB What is the most requested car and why?


JR I do much more than exclusively high dollar exotic and luxury cars. Some of my best sellers, believe it or not, are cheaper cars! Everyday, I have people wanting a nice Mercedes, BMW, or Lexus that’s under $10 grand. Why? I think so many people were really hit hard during the recession and they have been driving a beater around for the past 6-7 years and don’t have the credit to get into a $ 40 grand or more car now. People want the luxury look but can only afford so much. That’s where I can help. I find myself buying and selling a lot older, but clean, luxury brands for about $10 grand or less.


FB Which pre-owned exotic vehicle would you recommend to your buyers?


JR I highly recommend Ferraris anywhere from 2003 360s to 07-08 430’s, 06 and newer Maserati Quatroportes. Porsche 911 turbos in 2008 and Bentley GT’s in 2007 and newer.


FB Do you have a specific specialty in reference to the exotic cars?


JR My specialty is in Ferrari/Maserati, but I am very knowledgeable in most all brands.


FB What type of customer service do you offer?


JR I offer an appointment based services where I sit down personally with my clients and discuss their buying and selling needs. Working with the clients one-on-one lets me get them in the exact car they want down to the very last option so they are getting what they want, vs. settling for something they really didn’t want. I personally inspect every car purchased by Suncoast Exotics before we put our name on it. One mistake could cost thousands. There is a lot of fraud out there, not to mention cars that have had a rough life that only a car specialist, such as myself, could identify. Carfax only shows an accident, police report or insurance claim. People tend to think just because a carfax is clean that the car is clean–this couldn’t be further from the truth! I always recommend using a licensed, bonded, reputable car specialist like me, to buy or sell any car, including an exotic. For example, trying to buy and sell an exotic on your own runs the risk of making a $100 grand mistake! I look at myself much like a realtor–if you don’t buy houses without using a reputable realtor you trust, why would you buy a car on your own? I’ve seen people over the years really get burned by trying to save a few grand and bypass me only to end up costing them 10’s of thousands of dollars by buying a car via eBay, Craigslist, or some others. My advice is to always call me and let me check the car out and negotiate the deal on something you are interested in–don’t ever try to do it on your own!


FB Where is your favorite place in the world to drive?


JR Wow, another tough question! I’ve always wanted to drive the Autobahn, but have yet to have the opportunity to do it. I enjoy road courses where you can really push a car to its limits. Basically, any place I can go wide open and not get caught! – Susan Short